Listed Below: Ray Benson,
Matthew Bierer,
Judy Onslow, Texas Gail Raymond, Victor Trautman
Ray Benson

I grew up in Buffalo, Wyoming, beside the Big Horn Mountains. Graduated from JCHS and went to the University of Wyoming. Graduated with BA math, (German, science, music, minors). During University time I was awarded science (chemistry/physics) honorary, music honorary, and math honorary. Lab assistant was my job at University for four years.
Teaching in bush Alaska came after raising my family in Germany, Texas, Kansas, Illinois and Wyoming. My husband was a structural engineer and an Alaskan.
I have participated in several pilot projects for science, have had winners in sicnece fair competition and presented, at the local level, findings from projects I've worked with. I attend the biyearly Alaska math/science conferences.
My second Bachelors, BS education, is also from Wyoming University. I'm an EMT, firefighter, and emergency dispatcher for Metlakatla community, Alaska, during school vacations.
I want to participate in activities that I can share with my high school students to broaden their future possibilities with the knowledge that they, too, can be a part of space exploration. There never was such an exciting time for scientists with goals and imagination.
Email: rbensonus@yahoo.comSchool: Kipnuk School
Matthew Bierer

When I’m not teaching Astronomy, Physics, or Video Production at North Pole High School, you can usually find me at home in Fairbanks, Alaska, with my wife and two children. I always have a book ready to read and I try to watch at least one movie per week. My other hobbies include woodworking and building musical instruments.
Email: mbierer@northstar.k12.ak.usSchool: North Pole High School
Judy Onslow

I think I’ve always been a teacher, from being a swimming instructor and tennis instructor in high school (a very long time ago) to currently teaching teachers at district, state, and national workshops. I’ve “collected” certifications – WSI, Red Cross First Aid, etc., because I liked being “the teacher”. Maybe, that translates to I like being in charge of something.
The very nature of teaching appeals to my sense of organization, creativity, spontaneity, and joie de vivre and to provide students opportunities to explore a topic, and see them happily and productively engaged in hands on learning is so much fun and gives me great satisfaction.
I love color and design – hence quilting is one of my favorite pastimes. In fact, it dovetails very nicely with another favorite – traveling. Whether it is to batiks in Bali, textiles in Tuscany, or pique from Peru – fabric and travel connect to bring me closer to one of my lifetime goals of setting foot on all 7 continents.
Fortunately, I have a supportive husband who has interests and hobbies of his own, so sometimes our paths are parallel, sometimes diverge, and sometimes coincide; but, all the while we both love learning and experiencing – whether it is through writing, reading, or doing.
Email: onslow_judy@asdk12.orgSchool: Anchorage School District
Texas Gail Raymond

I am a 37 year math and science educator. I currently serve as the K - 12 Science Coordinator for the Anchorage School District. In 1990, I was appointed to the Department of Energy Teacher Research Program at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory where I worked on the Human Genome Project doing original scientific research. I have served on the Alaska State Science Performance Standards Committee, as well as the GLE development committee. I am a 2006 Alaska Science Consortium Fellow, and I am a past President of the Alaska Science Teacher's Association.
I strongly believe that support of one's professional organization is a major key in being current in best practice in one's field. I am a member of NSTA (National Science Teacher's Association) where I served as Chair of “The Science Teacher” Advisory Board in 1999 – 2000 and member of the board from 1998 – 2001. I am a member of a team that presented a six hour workshop in New Orleans on Science Notebooks. I have recently attended workshops in Science Notebooks, Safety in the Science Classroom and Curriculum Topic Study. I attended Alan November's “Building Learning Communities” Conference last summer (2008) in order to develop my expertise in Web 2.0 tools and their use in the classroom. I helped to do a presentation on Second Life as a professional development tool at this year's ASTE.
I am also currently working with a consortium of five Alaska districts, the National Science Research Council and Shell Oil as a consultant in science education. I have worked with the Sitka school district in development of their science curriculum. I have served on the Imaginarium Board of Directors, the Challenger Center Board of Directors, and am currently serving on the Eagle River Nature Center Board of Directors, the Science Advisory Committee of the Anchorage Museum Board, and am the Executive Director of the Alaska Science and Engineering Board. I also am on the advisory board for UDL – Universal Design for Learning Project through Concord Consortium in Concord, MA. Anchorage School District is one of the project districts.
I have worked as UAA Adjunct Professor and have taught Secondary Science Methods. I promote inquiry as well as science notebook use in the classroom. I have facilitated development of the Science Curriculum Guides and Frameworks in the Anchorage School District.
I also own Sleepy Dog Coffee Co., a micro-coffee roaster/coffee house in Eagle River, Alaska. I have 3 children and 4 grandchildren with 1 on the way!!!!
Email: texgail@gmail.comSchool: Anchorage School District
Victor Trautman

I grew up and received my degree in Bioloy/Chem in North Dakota where I taught for 16 years, I then moved to Petersburg, AK where I have been teaching for the last 19 years. During this time I have been involved with many assistance programs of which the THEMIS program has been in my opinion the best program to assist students in understanding and using real science.
Email: vtandkt2@ak.netSchool: Petersburg City Schools
Listed Below: Stacy DeVeau, Chris Martin, Pamela Whiffen
Stacy DeVeau

Stacy DeVeau's passion is education outreach. She loves sharing space-related activities with teachers that they can use in the classroom. Stacy began her career as a teacher and transitioned to education outreach. She now is Arizon'as Educator Resource Center (ERC) coordinator.
Email: deveaus@erau.eduSchool: Arizona's NASA ERC
Chris Martin

I teach at Howenstine High School in Tucson, Arizona. I started teaching in 1988. I went to a nice teacher training college in Canterbury, England, right next to the cathedral. I trained to teach Physical Science and Special Ed. Since then, I’ve taught in England, East Caribbean and now Arizona. I do have an English accent but I've lived in the US for 11 years and became an American citizen last year! I arrived in Tucson and within a week I had a job at Howenstine teaching science and special Ed. . The school has only 300 students. 50% have learning disabilities and most of the rest are at risk. I get to teach chemistry (my true passion) and integrated science (I pack the curriculum with astronomy). The school is a service learning magnet school. This means my students get to work on projects; searching for brown dwarfs, measuring distances to open clusters, the HEA project and hopefully the new Epsilon Aurigae project. I can’t believe I’ve stayed in the same job for 11 years. Normally I get bored and move on, but I’m a good fit for the school. Just before I head for Alaska, I’m taking three students up to the mountain to observe for 3 nights using a 61" telescope. Also, we got some funding in early June, and I’m being developing an online astronomy course for Arizona teachers. But really, I’m a chemist at heart. Hobbies, I’m not sure about this. I like to travel and get out of Tucson in June (100F). Also, I’m a father. My son is almost 14 and wants a Mac book pro for his birthday.
Email: martinbrockie@gmail.comSchool: Howenstine High Magnet School
Pamela Whiffen

Pamela Whiffen was born in Williamsburg , VA becoming the first American-born child in a family who had just immigrated from England . She spent her earliest years as a resident of the Colonial Williamsburg tour and lived in the Coke-Garrett house while her father was the architectural historian and author of many books for both the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and later, the MIT Press. While she was still very young, her family moved to Arizona where she has lived, with only minor interruptions, ever since. She attended a private, English school until 7th grade and adored learning multiple aspects of a subject. She began writing news articles as a teenager and helped proofread her father's 16+ books. In high school she was a Hugh O'Brien Leadership Scholar and attended the Arizona State University Barrett Honors College which she still remains active with as a third reader for honor theses. After graduating with two undergraduate degrees from Arizona State , she attended the University of Arizona School of Law . After many years as a sales representative, she reenrolled in the Arizona State University Postbac Program for Teachers and earned her teaching certificate and her Masters in Secondary Education. She continued on to earn her Reading Specialist certification, her certification as a specialist in English Language Learners, and her Gifted Specialist Endorsement. As a middle school teacher for the last 13 years, she has designed her own highly successful cross-disciplinary enrichment course called Futurequest centered upon career development in science, math, and technology. She currently teaches astronomy and a specialized gifted science and math program at Mohave Middle School in Scottsdale , AZ and is an instructor in the Paradise Valley Community College Kids College Center for Advanced Academic Programming . Among her many responsibilities, she has also been the lead academic advisor for a multiyear NSF grant aimed at increasing the involvement of women in math, science, and engineering. In addition, she is a MESA (Math, Engineering, Science, Achievement) advisor sponsored by the Arizona State University Center . MESA 's aim is to make more minority applicants competitively eligible for a four-year university. She has, as well, been involved for a number of years in space science education as a NASA Solar System Ambassador , a National Space Biology Research fellow , a Messenger Fellow , a GRACE Fellow , a presenter for the Sally Ride Science Festivals ,a presenter-participant in Penn State 's Summer Outreach Program for Teachers , and an Educator Ambassador for the National Science Digital Library . Finally, as an author and presenter for the National Council for the Social Studies she has traveled extensively to conduct teacher trainings and presentations at both regional and local conventions that emphasize the inclusion of math and science in the social studies curriculum. Married 30 years with two kids, she describes herself as, "a perpetual student who is endlessly fascinated with the beauty and complexity of our Universe."
Email: pwpwr@aol.comSchool: Scottsdale Unified School District
Mohave Middle School
Listed Below: Julia Taylor
Julia Taylor

Julia Taylor taught in the Adelanto School District for 37 years. She retired in 2007, but has continued to be a 2nd/ 3rd grade math tutor for 4 Adelanto Schools and the NASA/science advisor for Columbia Middle School. Her years of teaching now total 39.
As president of the Society of Elementary Presidential Awardees, Mrs. Taylor was able to serve the academic community from many levels. She was a four time awardee in Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers. She continues to serve as an educational consultant for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California and for the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland. She and her students participated in the Young Astronauts Program from 1986 through 2002, and she wrote the grant for Columbia Middle School to become a NASA Explorer School.
Mrs. Taylor is the District’s first National Board Certified Teacher. She amassed many awards over her years of teaching including being selected as the Presidential Awardee for Elementary Science in 2001, the NSTA Distinguished Teaching Award for Middle School in 2007, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Group Achievement Award in 2006 and 2008, the Crystal Apple Award from KNBC in 2000, the Council for Elementary Science International/CIBA Exemplary Elementary Science Teacher Award in 1999, and the Young Astronaut Teacher of the Year/American in Space Award in 1994.
Through her work with NASA, Mrs. Taylor has been involved in developing two activities for the Space Telescope Science Institute’s Amazing Space Website (Galaxies Galore, Games and More, and Planet Impact). Recently for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mrs. Taylor was involved in development of two language arts/science e-books (Reading, Writing, and Rings and one to come out in June called Through the Eyes of Scientists). She continues to work to provide the youth of the world with inspirational avenues to learn science.
In Mrs. Taylor’s classes, the students began each day by reciting, “There is nothing I cannot do. I believe in me.” Here students were taught to believe in themselves, get involved in their education, and to make things happen. They participated in many contests and got involved in community service projects where they were able to put their science lessons into action. Mrs. Taylor loves to share her passion for the sciences with her students and inspire them to greatness.
Email: julie_taylor@eee.orgSchool: Columbia Middle School
Listed Below: Mehdi Rajade
Mehdi Rajade

I’m a 36-year-old biology and geology teacher. I’m living in a typical sea-side small town near the Atlantic Ocean. I’m married, and I’m the father of two boys. I’ve been involved in some different GLOBE, NASA and CNES projects for 4 years. I became a teacher trainer 2 years ago, and now I try to share with other French teachers what I learn during international workshops…I went to Anchorage 2 years ago, and it was such an extraordinary experience for me… New workshops and meeting people from different countries and culture are always unique and powerful…I’m longing for sharing with you…
Email: mehdi.rajade@sfr.frSchool: College André Lahaye/CNES
Listed Below: Nancy Sills
Nancy Sills

Even though I was born and raised in Georgia, the world visited my small hometown, Warm Springs. President Franklin D. Roosevelt came to look for a cure for polio and built a hospital that brought patients, doctors, physical therapists, and nurses from every corner of the globe. I loved meeting each one of them. It was an amazing place to grow up. I learned, also, that “handicap” was not a word in these people’s vocabulary.
I have been married to my husband, Jim, for 28 years. We have three beautiful daughters, one son-in-law and an incredible grandson who has stolen my heart.
Although it sounds like a long time, I have been an educator since 1977. I wake up excited about going to a job that I love. I am blessed.
Email: sills-n@harris.k12.ga.usSchool: Creekside School
Listed Below: Pamela Greyer
Pamela Greyer

Pamela Greyer is the Director of NASA SEMAA (Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy) Chicago program and has held lead teacher positions in other NASA science and engineering K-12 programs in the Chicago area for the last eight years. Recognizing the need to increase the involvement of Chicago area K-12 students in STEM activities and programs as well as exposing more young people to STEM careers, Ms. Greyer has created a strong network or partnerships with universities, cultural institutions, corporations, government and community organizations in Chicago as well as around the world to increase STEM educational opportunities for her students. Ms. Greyer holds a Bachelor of Arts in Communications from the University of Illinois at Chicago and a Masters of Science in Science Education from DePaul University.
Email: pagreyer@cps.eduSchool: Marine Military Academy
Listed Below: Daniel Cyre
Daniel Cyre

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Dan Cyre. I live in Jamestown, Kansas. Population 374. I make my home with my wife of 29 years, Sheri. I graduated from Clay Center Community High School in Clay Center, Kansas in May of 1975. From there, I went on to Cloud County Community College in Concordia, Kansas. A few years and one child (Matthew) later, I earned a bachelor's degree from Fort Hays State University. I have been teaching and coaching for the past 23 years. The last 12 years have been just down the road in Concordia. I am currently teaching 7th grade science and high school physics, as well as coaching a little wrestling.
Email: dcyre@usd333.comSchool: Concordia Junior/Senior High
Listed Below: Cris DeWolf
Cris DeWolf

Cris DeWolf teaches Topics in Earth & Space Science (TESS) courses in astronomy and geology at Chippewa Hills High School in Remus, MI. He has an active professional life. Mr. DeWolf has served on the board of the Michigan Earth Science Teachers Association since 1994 – one term as president, most recently as the editor of the Michigan Earth Scientist. He has been a mentor and facilitator for eMSS (e-Mentoring for Student Success) and has served on the Michigan Department of Education’s Content Advisory Committee for the Michigan Merit Exam. Mr. DeWolf also is involved in his local region. He is the science department chair at Chippewa Hills High School, has judged the middle school division of the regional ISEF the past three years, and is the current education committee chair of the Muskegon River Watershed Assembly.
He enjoys summers with his wife and 4 children in the Poconos of northwest Pennsylvania where he teaches Archery and Astronomy at Camp Watonka.
Email: cdewolf@chsd.usSchool: Chippewa Hills High School
Listed Below: Burt Medicine Bull
Burt Medicine Bull

I began my educational career as a teacher’s aide. I found that I was very passionate about children getting a great education and continuing to learn far beyond the classroom. I earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary Education from Montana State University. Following graduation I have worked as an innovative teacher and determined advocate for Native American education at all levels. I have taught students from elementary to college levels and firmly believe that every student deserves an equal chance to reach their potential. More recently I have earned a Master’s Degree in Leadership/School Administration and have served as an Elementary principal. In this position I feel that I can effect many more students and staff than in a single classroom. I have enjoyed the challenges of being an administrator.
I have authored and co-authored educational publications including the Northern Cheyenne Language and Culture Curriculum, the Northern Cheyenne Education Bill of Rights (adopted 1996), and the Northern Cheyenne Youth: Past, Present, and Future Leaders Curriculum (now referred to as Cheyenne Epic). My past position as Director of the Rural Systemic Initiative Program for Chief Dull Knife College enabled me to strengthen the Math and Science programs in our area schools. This program’s success was reflected in higher standardized test scores.
I am a Northern Cheyenne language speaker and teacher. It pleases my heart when students from as long as 20 years ago greet me in Cheyenne and call me by my Cheyenne name. I know that I am regarded as a le model by anyone in my community who is currently earning their education or are thinking of getting an education. I take this role with great humility and seriousness because I know that everyone needs encouragement and help to realize their dreams. I strive to provide them all with at least a smile to brighten their day. In July 2006 I completed the AIHEC/Kellogg Foundation Leadership Fellows training. This year-long intensive training is for prospective leaders of minority serving institutions. I have used much of the valuable information gained from this program in my teaching and administrative experiences. Also, in 2006 I was awarded the Rose Award by the Bighorn Teacher Project. This award is given to those who generously dedicate the time, culture, and professional expertise to American Indian students in the teaching profession.
My future shines brightly ahead of me with many opportunities in the educational field. I am expanding my education while earning a K-12 principal endorsement and am currently deciding which field of study I would like to concentrate on for a Doctorate Degree. There are so many ways to work with students and make positive impacts on their lives. I look forward to continuing my work through education.
Email: setovaatse_98@hotmail.comSchool: Northern Cheyenne Tribal School
North Carolina
Listed Below: Kay McLeod
Kay McLeod

I have dedicated most of my life to family, friends and science education. I have taught all grades of science K-9 (and students up to 12th grade) including experience in public, private and informal education, with the majority of my twenty years teaching in public schools. I started out at the middle school level (Earth and Physical Science) and then reentered as a Science Specialist to develop a science program at a 600 student elementary school. I wrote grants, built a laboratory, developed science material kits and curriculum, hired and supervised other teachers and most importantly taught students and teachers there about science inquiry, its joy and wonder. When I relocated to Western North Carolina, I was the Director of Education and later Interim Executive Director of Colburn Earth Science Museum for three years. As mentioned above, I procured a grant for a nine day workshop for 18 area teachers centered around experiential and inquiry science. At my present job teaching high school earth science, I have served as Department Chair for the last three years where I have worked to bring more laboratory experiences, more inquiry, and more critical thinking, questioning and discussing into all of the classrooms. I also brought an award winning interactive science simulation/exploration program (ExploreLearning) to my high school for a pilot program and by sharing it with the school system was able to have it implemented for grades 6-12 science classrooms throughout the county. The award winning program is also inquiry based and helps students gain better understanding of difficult science concepts through interactive virtual manipulative programs.
Most of all I enjoy teaching Earth Environmental Science and I try to continue to learn and to grow as a teacher by seeking out workshops such as this one to further my understanding and to help me to become a better teacher.
Email: kay.mcleod@bcsemail.orgSchool: North Buncombe High School
Listed Below: James Bean,
Terry Parent
James Bean

Mr. Bean is a Science/Physics teacher at Carson High. He is also the Science Olympiad (placed 3rd in state-2009) and Academic Team coach. Mr. Bean is also a test writer for the Nevada State High School Proficiency math/science tests. Mr. Bean graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree from Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon in 1990 with a major in Physics and minors in Chemistry and Math. Mr. Bean continued graduate studies at the University of Nevada in chemistry and mathematics. He taught mathematics at Truckee Meadows Community College in Reno, NV before completing his secondary teaching credentials in physics, mathematics, and chemistry in 2001.
Mr. Bean is part of NASA's THEMIS-GEONS program. GEONS stands for Geomagnetic Events Observation Network by students. Mr. Bean's students collect data on how solar weather affects the Earth's magnetic field. Mr Bean is also a member and current secretary for the Western Nevada Astronomical Society (WNAS).
Mr. Bean is married (wife Tammy), has 3 children, and 2-grand-daughters, 4 dogs (Carson, Muffin, PomPom, and Godzilla). Mr. Bean is a proud Sci-Fi geek and attributes is motivation to became a science teacher to "Star-Trek" (he has seen it 7-times to date)
Email: jbean@carson.k12.nv.usSchool:Carson High School
Terry Parent

My name is Terry Parent, and I have been teaching Science and Math for over 25 years. After teaching Biology in Arizona for 5 years, I have been teaching General Science the last 20 years at Carson Middle School in Carson City, Nevada. My undergraduate degree was in Biology, and my graduate degree was in Mathematics. Much of my experience in science has been interest-driven. By that I mean that some of my hobbies include exploring the islands in the Sea of Cortez for the past 30 years, commercial salmon fishing in Alaska during a few summers and rafting rivers of the west while watching wildlife. Making photo journals of my travels have provided enrichment for my students.
Email: taparent@aol.comSchool: Carson Middle School
Listed Below: Laura Orr
Laura Orr

Laura Orr is a scientist and educator teaching grades 6-12 in a very small rural school district in Ukiah, located in Eastern Oregon. Laura hopes to inspire a new generation of scientists by providing students with the technology and leadership needed to gain access to any science related subject that interests them. She is also an active member of the community, involving herself as the director of the local ski/snowboard club, ski instructor at a nearby resort, advisor to the School Student Bodyand Leadership Organization, certified scorer for Oregon State Standardized Test in both math problem solving and writing, a member of the Ukiah Preschool Education Organization, and the community garden club. Laura holds a Bachelors of Physics degree from Eastern Oregon University, a masters degree in Science Education from Western Governors University, and is currently pursuing certification as a meteorologist and masters credentials in Upper Atmospheric Physics.
Email: lorr@ukiah.k12.or.usSchool: Ukiah School District
Puerto Rico
Listed Below: Kenneth Elkner,
Richard Roettger, Elizabeth Torres-Rodriguez
Kenneth Elkner

Having earned a Masters of Philosophy in Human Exposure Assessment in 1991 and a Masters of Science in 1989 from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Rutgers University in New Jersey, I began my teaching career in the fall of 1991 at Baldwin School in Puerto Rico. Since 1993, I have been teaching Chemistry at Cupeyville School and, since 1998, I have been teaching Physics as well. Also, over the years I have frequently been part of a team teaching approach for the Advanced Biology class. I received a Teaching Certificate from the Department of Education of Puerto Rico in 1996.
My love for learning has resulted in consistent involvement in continuing education opportunities. Some examples of these are my participation in the NASA Summer 2000 Program, where I went to Oklahoma State University and Ames Research facilities in California, the GLOBE Summer 2002 Workshop for teachers at the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez, and the course, "Techniques of Scientific Investigation", which I took in 1999 at the Metropolitan University in Rio Piedras. Since 2004, I have been participating in the program, "Experiences of Scientific Investigation for High School Teachers", where I am doing research in computational chemistry at the Metropolitan University. I presented the research at a conference on quantum chemistry and am one of the authors of a paper that was published in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. Experiences such as these keep me up to date and permit me to better facilitate the education of my students.
I was honored when I was selected as Teacher of the Year at Cupeyville School and was recognized at the Private School Association 2005 Convention. It was a validation for me that what I am doing is making a difference. I was also recognized as a Distinguished Teacher at the EXPO Chem 2006, which was organized by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez. In addition, I am a strong believer in the importance of education and have participated on Visiting Committees of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools in order to help in the certification process.
Email: kelkner@gmail.comSchool: Cupeyville School
Richard Roettger

I was born and raised on the Northwest tip of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico. Spent 7 years studying science and math at Ohio University and started teaching at my old Ramey School in 1985. I have taught math and science here ever since, expect for a 2 year teaching transfer in Bad Aibling, Germany.
I have been involved with GLOBE Program from first training in 1995 till present. Represented Puerto Rico as the Puerto Rico MATHCOUNTS Team Coach in 2000 and sponsored a group of students at the GLE 2003 in Croatia and GLE 2008 in Cape Town South Africa.
Married my wife Frances in 1987 and have 3 children: Francesca 19, Kiki 18, and Francine 16.
Hobbies: surfing, golfing, gardening and home brewing.
Email: richard.roettger@am.dodea.eduSchool: Ramey School, DoDEA Puerto Rico
Elizabeth Torres-Rodriguez

I'm from the Sunny Island, Puerto Rico. I'm middle and high school teacher in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I have been teaching for thirteen years I teach general sciences to 7th grade, earth sciences to 9th grade, chemistry to 11th grade and environmental sciences to 12th grade a lot of work here, Ah! I have a Master Degree in Environmental Sciences from Medica Science Campus, University of Puerto rico and a Certification on Meteorology Sciences from Penn State University. I'm working also in Puerto Rico Space Grant-NASA in University of Puerto Rico, we have a project with public school around the Island, and I'm the Weather Stations Coordinator, our project is a part of study on Heat Island Phenomena in Puerto Rico and we collaborate with the National Climate Center in Colorado and the University of California in Santa Clara. Our goal is that all school in the Island had a weather station, and doing training for teachers and students. Now I'm teaching a weather course for teacher thru American Meterology Society.
I live in the north part of the Island (in the middle), my husband (Angel Hernandez) is Instructor Pilot of Blackhawk's in Puerto Rico National Guard, he is now in Kuwait-Iraq, and for me this is the saddest moment in my life. My passions are being with my family, traveling and enjoying the outdoors of my beautiful Island.
I'm so excited to participate in this workshop in Alaska, this mean too much for our project and for me. I have always been excited to teach science and learn along with my students. I am passionate about immersing teachers in scientific inquiry experiences.
Email:School: Jose Julian Acosta School
Listed Below: Maureen Adams, Nancy Fiegel,
Molly Nipper
Maureen Adams

Maureen Adams is the teacher/principal of West Ward Elementary School, A Texas Education Agency academically recognized, NASA Explorer School. Maureen has worked with NASA for over nine years developing curriculum, DLN activities and arranging visits to West Ward from NASA experts for both staff and students.. AS result of this continual collaboration with NASA, Maureen has flown student’s experiments twice aboard NASA’s “Weightless Wonder”. She did not get sick. Maureen also teaches at the US Space Camp in Huntsville AL as guest instructor . Maureen also team teaches fifth grade science and escorts children to Space Camp each summer. When not working NASA educational activities Maureen enjoys helping the local community theatre as she did professional Equity theatre for six years. Lampasas TX is her current home town where she resides with her husband, COL,USA Bill Adams, their son Tom a junior at TCU, plus three dogs, two cats and a herd of deer who enjoy eating all vegetation in the yard and ring the door when they are out of salad!
Email: maureen.adams@killeenisd.orgSchool: West Ward Elementary School
Nancy Fiegel

Born January 6, 1961 in Rockville Center, NY
We moved to Texas in 1966 because my Dad was a Grumman employee who worked on the Lunar Excursion Module (LEM) for the Apollo program.
I have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren. I received my Bachelor’s degree in 1996 from University of Houston at Clear Lake. I am currently working on my Master’s degree from Rice University in Houston, Tx. and should graduate with it May 2010.
Teaching Positions:
- Hughes Road Elementary - Dickinson ISD, 1996-1997
- Santa Fe Intermediate and Santa Fe Junior High Schools - Santa Fe ISD 1997-2007
- Space Center Intermediate School – CCISD 2007 to current
School: Space Center Intermediate School
Molly Nipper

My name is Molly Nipper from Houston, Texas. As a third year science teacher at a Fort Bend ISD Middle School, I am able to apply my Bachelor of Science in Psychology and minor in Biology received from the University of Houston on a daily basis. Currently, I am a graduate student at Rice University in the Masters of Science Teaching Program and recently, I became a certified Ham Radio Technician.
When I am not in school; I enjoy traveling to different parts of the world. I am excited to be able to visit Anchorage, Alaska for the first time. I also enjoy eating at different restaurants, watching movies, and spending time with my family.
Email: mollynipper@yahoo.comSchool: Hodges Bend Middle School
Listed Below: Adrienne Britton, Cami Field,
Janet McDonald, Richard Neefe, Cathy Roberts
Adrienne Britton

Adrienne R. Britton is a middle school science department chair for Norfolk Public Schools in Norfolk, Virginia. Undergraduate studies began at St. Augustine’s College in Raleigh, North Carolina and were completed at Norfolk State University – were she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with minors in education and chemistry. A Master’s of Arts in Educational Leadership and Administration degree from The George Washington University in Washington, DC was received in 2006. Adrienne believes that the best thing about teaching is “knowing that I can be a positive, motivating influence on the lives of young people.”
Email: arjenkins@nps.k12.va.usSchool: Blair Middle School
Cami Field

Cami Field graduated from Old Dominion University in 2001 with a Bachelor of Science in Geology. Since then she has taught Earth Science and Oceanography at Churchland High School in Portsmouth, Virginia.
Email: cami.field@pps.k12.va.usSchool: Churchland High School
Janet McDonald

My name is Janet McDonald, and I was raised in upstate NY. I like to read and I have a keen wanderlust. I’m also a VERY amateur astronomer. I have taught Earth Science and Oceanography in Portsmouth, VA public schools for 11 years. Between my husband and me, we have raised six children. All but one has left the nest. I’m looking forward to Alaska!
Email: janet.mcdonald@pps.k12.va.usSchool: Portsmouth Public Schools
Richard Neefe

Richard Neefe is Science Program Specialist for last five years with Portsmouth Public Schools in Portsmouth, VA. His major focus is to coordinate STARBASE Victory, a grade 4-6 STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) center for Portsmouth students. STARBASE Victory teaches a 4-day immersive learning experience for all 14 Portsmouth elementary schools (serving about 3600 students each year). The experiences students have at STARBASE are the foundation for further explorations in STEM opportunities available in Portsmouth from grades 4-12. Mr. Neefe received his Master of Education degree from Old Dominion University, with a concentration on grades 4-8 mathematics and science and has furthered his education with additional training in experimental design, problem based learning, LEGO robotics, GLOBE certification, AIMS education, ArcGIS digital mapping, and computer software training in graphing calculators, Activstudio, Flash, and Movie Maker. Mr. Neefe's work at STARBASE helps connect students learning across content areas to provide students with opportunities for careers in STEM fields.
In addition to his teaching experience, Mr. Neefe has served with the United States Navy as a Nuclear Electrician's mate aboard the USS South Carolina (CGN-37) and enjoys camping, hiking, and spending time with family.
Email: richard.neefe@pps.k12.va.usSchool: Portsmouth Public Schools
Cathy Roberts

Catherine Roberts is a veteran middle school science teacher of 34 years. She enjoys her students’ enthusiasm in classroom activities and experiments. She involves her students each year in environmental action projects that challenge them to work with community partners and apply their knowledge to help solve local problems. She views science as an excellent venue for students to develop as independent thinkers and valuable team workers with the skills to apply their knowledge to their everyday world.
Email: roberjca@cps.k12.va.usSchool: Western Branch Middle School
Listed Below: Wendy Esch
Wendy Esch

Wendy Esch is a science teacher at Shawano Community High School in Shawano, Wisconsin. She has been with the district for 18 years. She teaches Physical Science, Geology, and Astronomy. Ms. Esch grew up in Shawano and always had a strong interest in science. She developed the district’s Physical Science, Astronomy, and Geology curriculum as well as maintains and operates the district’s planetarium.
Email: wendye@ssd.k12.wi.usSchool: Shawano Community High School