- CU/LASP designs
and fabricates the nadir imager instrument, CIPS, and aligns and calibrates
the channels thereof.
- Panoramic nadir imaging, 120 degrees by 80 degrees
field of view (1800 x 800 km)
- Mie scattering from Polar Mesospheric
Clouds near 82 km altitude
- Derive PMC morphology
- Measure cloud particle size
- Rayleigh scattering from the background near 50
km altitude to measure gravity wave activity
- Multiple exposures of individual cloud elements
measure scattering phase function and detect spatial scales ~2 km
- Ultraviolet bandpass (265 plus or minus 5 nm) maximizes
cloud contrast
Benefits of the 4-camera design:
- Reduces overall complexity of CIPS
- Reduces CIPS data volume by 33%
- Reduces AIM data volume by a similar amount (CIPS
is the predominant bit producer)
- Lowers CIPS parts costs, subassembly test costs
and mass