1 July 2010
We are continuing to improve our next version of the retrievals, which will be released in September as version 4.20 – the development version is currently called 4.10. The figure here compares the daily daisy from 7 June 2010 for versions 3.21 (operational), and 4.10. On this date, clouds were dim and very sparse, so it is a good test of the background subtraction algorithm. The daisies are plotted with different color scales, but note the improved cloud detection in version 4.10. Modifications that are in progress for v4.10 include improvements to the cloud detection threshold so that it better accounts for the varying sensitivity with solar zenith angle, and detailed simulations to enable an accurate error analysis.
Credit: Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment
data processing team at the University of Colorado’s
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics.

Version 3.21 (operational)

Version 4.10