Noctilucent Clouds taken from 36,000 feet above
the South of Nunivak Island, Alaska on June 20,
2006. Image credit: John Boardman; copyright,
reprinted by permission.
Credit: Peter Dalin
Valkeakoski, Finland, July 28, 2001 Credit:Tom
Noctilucent clouds photographed on 28 July
2001 at 61.12 N and 23.59 E. Southern Finland
on the shore of the Lake Vanajavesi and between
the towns of Valkeakoski and Toijala. Credit:
Tom Eklund
July 24-25, 1996 Credit: John Lambert
1989 July 21/22 22:48 Type IVb: whirls A simple
curve consisting of one or more bands with angular
radius of curvature of 3 to 5 degrees. Bands,
IIb, showing a diverging perspective. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen.
Credit: Pekka Parviainen.
A noctilucent cloud photograph taken at Utah
State University, 41.7 degrees north latitude,
by AIM Co-Investigator Dr. Michael Taylor. 22-23
June, 1999.
Credit: NASA/Donald Petit.
Credit: Tom Eklund
1988 Jul 8/9 22:45 Type I: veil At the upper
border, diffuse bands and billows are present.
Upper left: diffuse bands, IIa. Upper centre:
diffuse billows, IIIb. Credit: Pekka Parviainen.
This photograph is from the book "Observing Noctilucent
Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited
by IAGA in 1995.
1988 Jul 27/28 21:48 Man-made noctilucent cloud,
no classification possible. The trail of a rocket
created an artificial cloud showing irridescence.
On this occasion, the height was estimated to
be 80-90 km. Credit: Pekka Parviainen. This photograph
is from the book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds"
by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA
in 1995.
1978 Jul 16/17 21:25 Complex Type O A form
which does not fit any of the types I to IV. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from the
book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden
and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1987 Jun 23/24 22:45 Type Vb: whirls Veil,
I, is present too. Credit: Pekka Parviainen. This
photograph is from the book "Observing Noctilucent
Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited
by IAGA in 1995.
1985 Jul 25/26 22:30 Type IIb: bands An example
of brightness 3 noctilucent cloud. Credit: Pekka
Parviainen. This photograph is from the book "Observing
Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen,
edited by IAGA in 1995.
1993 Jul 8/9 22:05 Fish-eye lens photograph.
Credit: Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from
the book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M.
Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1993 Jul 8/9 22:05 Fish-eye lens photograph,
taken with a polarizing filter. Compare the with
no.15, to see how the use of a linear polarizer
(with the axis parallel to the northern horizon)
can enhance the contrast of the cloud field. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from the
book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden
and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1982 Jul 24/25 22:00 (approximate time only)
Type II: bands Sharp bands (IIa) and diffuse bands
(IIb). There is an area of complex structure,
type S, in the centre of the cloud field. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from the
book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden
and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1982 Jul 18/19 22:00 (approximate time only)
Type IIa: bands Streaks with blurred edges. Some
billows, IIIa, in low center and left. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from the
book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden
and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1983 Jul 31/Aug 1 21:47 Type IIb: bands Streaks
with sharply defined edges; diffuse billows, IIIb,
are crossing the principal streaks. Credit: Pekka
Parviainen. This photograph is from the book "Observing
Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen,
edited by IAGA in 1995.
1989 Jul 21/22 23:15 Type IIIa: billows Short,
straight and narrow streaksm with bands, IIb,
at the side of the bands. In the upper left corner
there is a complex struxture, type O. Credit:
Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from the
book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden
and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
1988 Aug 8/9 00:27 Type IIIb: billows Wave-like
structure with undulations. Diffuse bands, IIa,
and knots, type S, in the centre. Credit: Pekka
Parviainen. This photograph is from the book "Observing
Noctilucent Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen,
edited by IAGA in 1995.
1988 Aug 8/9 00:18 Type IVa: Whirls Small angular
radius of 0.1 to 0.5 degrees; a bright whirl in
a highly structured display. Credit: Pekka Parviainen.
This photograph is from the book "Observing Noctilucent
Clouds" by M. Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited
by IAGA in 1995.
1988 Aug 8/9 00:43 Type IVc: whirls LArge scale
ring structure with tropospheric clouds (altostratus)
in the foreground. Upper left: diffuse billows,
IIIb. Upper right: complex structure, type O.
Credit: Pekka Parviainen. This photograph is from
the book "Observing Noctilucent Clouds" by M.
Gadsden and P. Parviainen, edited by IAGA in 1995.
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