SOFIE multi-wavelength infrared extinctions are being used to retrieve the temperature of mesospheric ice particles, simultaneously with particle shape. The ice temperatures (iceT) are up to 20K colder than V1.022 SOFIE temperatures retrieved from CO2 transmission measurements. The figure below compares SOFIE ice temperatures to the mesopause CO2 temperature from SOFIE, and from the falling sphere (FS) climatology of Lubken [1999]. The mesopause frost point temperature (Tice) is also shown.
SOFIE meteoric smoke extinction versus time and height for the Southern Hemisphere. Black dots indicate NLCs, and the black bar represents missing data. Time ranges from June 2007 through June 2009 and the abscissa is labeled by the first letter of each month. The results are monthly zonal averages and white regions represent extinction below 5e-9 1/km.
Credit: Space Dynamics Laboratory
PMC Frequency NH 2007-2010
Ice Layer as seen with AIM instrument sensitivity.
Northern Hemisphere 06 May 2008: Time versus altitude cross sections of SOFIE temperature, water vapor, ice (PMC) occurrence frequency, ozone, and methane. The plots show the cold summer mesopause region in both hemispheres which is accompanied by increasing water vapor and the sudden appearance of ice.
Credit: SOFIE instrument team at GATS, Inc.
Southern Hemisphere 06 May 2008: Time versus altitude cross sections of SOFIE temperature, water vapor, ice (PMC) occurrence frequency, ozone, and methane. The plots show the cold summer mesopause region in both hemispheres which is accompanied by increasing water vapor and the sudden appearance of ice.
Credit: SOFIE instrument team at GATS, Inc.
SOFIE PMC measurement results for the 2007
northern polar summer as time-height cross sections
of a) ice detection frequency, b) ice mass density,
c) particle shape (axial ratio of an oblate spheroid),
and d) effective radius. Three-day average ice
layer top, peak, and bottom altitudes are overlain
in all panels (solid lines), and average mesopause
heights are shown in a). White regions indicate
the absence of data.
PMC measurement showing a PMC near 86-87km.
The figure shows the SOFIE signals for the first detected PMC of the 2008 Northern Hemisphere season. The signals (formulated as extinctions) are for the 3 micron PMC channel. Band 9 is shown in green, band 10 in red and the DV signal in blue. The signals have been smoothed slightly to help illustrate the PMC signature.
Credit: SOFIE instrument team at GATS, Inc.
SOFIE measurements are being used to examine
hemispheric differences in PMCs and their environment.
The figure shows SOFIE results for the northernsummer
of 2007, and the southern sumer of 2007/08. Ice
is more frequent and appears about 10 days earlier
in the north compared to the south. The altitude
of peak extinction (Zmax) for southern PMCs is
about 3 km higher, consistent with the southern
mesopause being about 3 km higher than in the
north. Northern PMCs have greater ice mass densities,
and are characterized by slightly more aspherical
particles, than in the south. Water vapor measurements
at Zmax are similar in the north and south.
Mean SABER and SOFIE H2O profiles and comparison
statistics for 33 events.
SOFIE temperatures near a latitude of 65°N
on June 21 (top) and Dec 21 (bottom).
SOFIE and HALOE H2O profiles.
Hemispheric temperature difference expressed
as NH-SH. See Figure 2.6.3-1 for the altitude
of the mesopause.
Southern altitudes and occurrence frequencies
for 2007 from AIM
Time - height cross section of SOFIE H2O and
O3 observations for the 2007 northern polar summer.
Mesopause altitude (solid line) and the altitude
of peak extinction (dashed line) are also indicated.
Average ice mass density (Mice) and axial ratio
(AR) profiles based on SOFIE observations during
July 2007. Average profiles were constructed by
vertically aligning individual profiles so that
the extinction peak altitudes (Zmax) were located
at the July average value (83.2 km). Horizontal
dot-dash lines show the average ice layer top
(86.5 km), peak, and bottom (80.0 km) altitudes.
The July average mesopause height was 86.8 km.
Thumbnail panels: