22 October 2007
The Cloud Imaging and Particle Size (CIPS) experiment on AIM has
measured the frequency of occurrence of Polar Mesospheric Clouds for the entire
Northern 2007 season. The figure shows the results for three latitude regions
centered at 82.5N (top), 77.5N (center), and 72.5N (bottom). The +?s represent
the daily averaged values of PMC occurrence frequency. The solid lines are a
7 day smooth of the daily values. The x-axis is in days from solstice (June
21, or day 172). The season begins near day -30 after which the cloud frequency
increases. The maximum frequency occurs near day 20 at the highest latitude
and is is larger than 80%. The highest frequency at 72.5N drops to 55% in the
middle of the season. The season ends at about day 80, after which no clouds
are observed by CIPS.
Credit: Cloud Imaging and Particle Size Experiment data processing
team at the University of Colorado’s Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space
