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AIM / CloudSat / GLOBE 2007 Educator Workshop

About the Workshop


"Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere" (AIM), a NASA satellite-based research mission, provides students and teachers with innovative educational opportunities, which incorporate remote sensing of Noctilucent Clouds (NLCs).  The AIM satellite mission is dedicated to providing a scientific basis for understanding why Polar Mesospheric Clouds (PMCs) form and vary.  PMCs are sometimes known as Noctilucent Clouds (NLCs) or "night shinning" clouds because of their visibility during or just before and after twilight.  NLCs may well be the only true visible atmospheric phenomenon associated with global atmospheric change.  These clouds form approximately 50 miles above the Earth, usually surface poleward of 50 degrees latitude, and have been increasing with time - becoming brighter and moving toward the equator.  The visible manifestation of NLCs provides an unprecedented and unique opportunity for education.  The workshop will use the striking images of NLCs to motivate interest, learning, and a deeper understanding of the issues surrounding changes in our climate.


In addition to learning about the AIM mission the workshop will incorporate the science of the CloudSat mission. CloudSat flies a first-of-a-kind radar system that is much more sensitive than any weather radar. CloudSat provides a never-before-seen perspective on clouds; its radar allows us to see inside the large cloud masses that make our weather. Scientists will be able to study the processes that convert the tiny cloud particles to precipitation. CloudSat observations will also allow us to predict the effects of clouds on our climate and improve predictions of climate change.

From CloudSat observations we will be able to:

  • improve on our ability to predict where and why clouds and precipitation form,
  • learn how much water condenses in clouds, and
  • gain a better understanding of how the water cycle works, where and how much it will rain, and if our freshwater supplies might change in the future.


The GLOBE program is collaborating with AIM and CloudSat missions to provide students with opportunities to collect and utilize atmospheric data. GLOBE atmospheric protocols will be included in the workshop so that teachers will learn how their students can report atmospheric data online.

  • Participant Support Includes:

    • A waterproof digital camera, camera case, tripod and 250 MB card.

    • A field study day in Kenai Fjords National Park (includes a train and boat trip)

    • Reimbursement up to $500 for airfare to Anchorage

    • Dormitory housing at the University of Alaska at Anchorage

    • All breakfasts, lunches and most dinners

    • A rental car for each group of 5 participants

    • All necessary materials and supplies needed for the workshop

    • An opportunity to receive 3 hours of graduate credit in science from Hampton University.  Each participant must register and pay for this separately (cost approx. $555) at the workshop OR at no charge a letter certifying participation towards recertification points will be awarded.

    • GLOBE certification in atmospheric protocols

  • Requirements - Each participant is required to: 

    • Bring a laptop with wireless capability

    • Teachers must arrive by 4 p.m. on June 24 and stay until noon on June 30, NO EXCEPTIONS! Because a reception is scheduled for the evening of June 24, teachers are encouraged to arrive on June 23. Attendance is mandatory through noon on June 30; therefore participants are encouraged to depart on July 1.

    • Attend ALL workshop sessions June 24-30, 2007, including the opening reception, scheduled evening activities, and field trips.  A typical daily schedule runs 8am-5pm with some evening activities.

    • Develop an action plan that describes how they will:

      • Incorporate lessons and activities learned at the workshop into their classroom;

      • Host a staff development or regional workshop for their school or school system;

      • Develop lessons that will be posted on the AIM outreach website; and

      • Use the GLOBE atmospheric protocols to collect and report data online.


Participant Contact Email List

Download a participant list with email addresses to view in your browser.

> Flash Paper
> PDF file

Before You Arrive...

> Pre-Workshop To Do List

Workshop Agenda

> PDF file

Alaska Exploration Day

Download Information about the options for exploring Alaska on June 24.

> Flash Paper
> PDF file

Restaurants and Fun Outings

Dan Borrick, a teacher from the 2006 workshop wrote to suggest his favorite restaurants and outings.

> PDF file


Register for 3 hours Graduate Credit

Workshop Participants...
Are you interested in recieving 3 hours graduate credit in science from Hampton University? Is so, please call Tunisha Twine at 757-727-5468 and register with her before June 22. Tell her you want to register for Dr. Dianne Robinson's AIM / CloudSat / GLOBE 2007 Educator Workshop.

University of Alaska - Anchorage Campus Map

> PDF file

NASA's Sun-Earth Education Forum Logo

The AIM mission is a part of
NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum.

Responsible Official: James M. Russell III

Web Curator: Emily M. W. Hill
Emily Hill Designs