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Level 4 Season Summary Files. These are ASCII text files that contain the primary CIPS level 4 retrieval products and associated auxiliary data for each orbit over an entire PMC season. Data are binned in 5-degree latitude bins. There are nine files for each season: Results are provided for three different cloud detection thresholds (10-6 sr-1, 5x10-6 sr-1 and 10-5 sr-1); for each threshold, separate files are provided that include (1) only cloud measurements, (2) only non-cloud measurements, (3) all measurements. Additional documentation, an IDL read tool, and the summary files themselves can be downloaded by clicking the links below:

Level 4 Season Summary Docs -->
Summary File Read Tool -->


NH 2007

SH 2007-2008

NH 2008

SH 2008-2009

NH 2009


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Responsible Official: James M. Russell III

Web Curator: Emily M. W. Hill
Emily Hill Designs