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2006 AIM/GLOBE/CloudSat Educator Workshop Participants - California

I have been a middle school teacher for over 10 years. I love this age group because they are very enthusiastic and energetic. They keep me young and on the move! They have made me a better teacher. I enjoy exploring, teaching, and learning new things (especially things I
can take back to my classroom).

Twenty years ago, I thought about moving up to Alaska because our district was not hiring teachers. It did not work out at the time, but I never stop thinking of going there someday. So I am very excited to have been choosen to go. I look forward to learning a bunch of "stuff", meeting and working with a diverse group of people for a week. It will definitely be the highlight of my summer vacation and a chance of a lifetime!

Location: California
Zamaria Dijana Rocio
Zamaria Dijana Rocio

I’m Alice Shum. I’m a teacher at Charles T. Kranz Intermediate School with the Mountain View School District in El Monte, CA. I have three years experience teaching 5 th grade and over 20 years in 7 th & 8 th grade. I’ve taught reading and various math classes as a 8 th grade teacher. Currently I teach 7 th and 8 th grade students in Computer Literacy. Teaching computer technology has been rewarding and challenging because technology changes so rapidly.

I am involved in a variety of teams and committees. They include the NASA Explorer School Team, PAR Council, District and Site Technology Committees. I also teach an After School Academic class in a computerized reading program and I’m a Technology Teacher Leader (instructor for teachers in technology). When I’m not teaching or attending classes I enjoy traveling, hiking, reading, and of course, computing. I’d like to visit the world one summer at a time.

Alice Shum
Alice Shum

Location: California
Haile Ucbagaber



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The AIM mission is a part of
NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum.

Responsible Official: James M. Russell III

Web Curator: Emily M. W. Hill
Emily Hill Designs