Spacecraft Status
AIM achieved a significant milestone this week
by completing its 5,000 orbit. This occurred on March 26 at
0524 UT. All systems are performing well. We’ve experienced
uplink receiver bitlock periodically every day this week.
The operations team continues testing the new flight software
patches which will enable operations if the receiver bitlock
functionality completely fails. These tests are going well
and will continue through Tuesday, April 1. The On-Orbit Mission
Planning software was successfully tested on March 26.
Instrument Status
All instruments have been on since Friday, March
14th, and are currently collecting data.
analysis is being performed with the new release data, and
compared to previous results. The new results are generally
the same as obtained with previous data versions. Level 1
through Level 3 processing is proceeding. Weekly validation
meetings permit rapid release of the V1.0 data to the public.
Only a very small percentage of events have been found to
have any noticeable problems and have not been released.
CIPS continues
to provide excellent science data from all four cameras. Further,
our analysis of on-orbit calibration data shows that camera
sensitivity has changed less than 0.5% since launch. CIPS
data sequencing automatically switched from the Southern to
Northern Hemisphere on the first day of spring, as planned.
CDE during
the past week successfully performed a STIM calibration via
Autonomy. Additionally, a watchdog was detected and cleared
on DOY 08085. Temperatures and voltages remain nominal.